Think of all those times in the day when you are potentially wasting valuable exercise time.
- microwave is on for 2 minutes or more
- watching food at the stove
- walking at a leisurely pace in the shops or in the carpark etc.
- the famous one - the ads on TV
The opportunities to exercise are endless, you just need a trigger or reminder to do some type of exercise.
Try adding 5 mins extra exercise to your day using the above times to do a few more exercises.
Also remember that sitting on the floor can be quite a challenge in itself so give the couch a break and try just sitting on the floor for 5 or 10 mins of your favourite TV show, you'll be amazed.
I have a set of exercises I do when I'm standing in a queue, or just standing around. Pelvic floor 'elevator' exercise (very discrete, no-one knows you're doing it so you can do this in public!); one foot balance (stand on one foot for as long as you can, to make it trickier close your eyes); and various stretches (calf stretch, ITB stretch, quads, shoulder). The stretching exercises work best for me because I don't stretch nearly enough!